A little about me...

Adam Francis illustrator.
So, a little about me, I describe myself as an ‘Architectural Illustrator’, preferring to sketch and illustrate the man made beauty of architecture over that of the natural countryside, from my home studio in Macclesfield, Cheshire, UK.
I tend to spend anywhere between 3-90 hours on an illustration, depending on the level of detail, starting off with a few pencil guides then going straight in with a very fine nibbed pen. Once complete I’ll give it a bit more character by finishing off in watercolour.
I have also recently started illustrating digitally in a graphic style, still by hand and still with as much attention to detail, but it allows me to work during the darker evenings which I don’t like to do with my proper hand drawn illustrations – I like natural daylight for these.
 If you’ve any questions or would like to enquire about a commission then please get in touch.